Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Fall Shoe Favorites

Hello, friends!  How is your week going?  Are you getting in lots of good shopping? :)  One of my favorite things to shop for during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is perfect shoes for the fall!  I know, I know, it's so hard to think about fall and winter wear right now while it's still summer.  Trust me, I feel ya!  But, I can guarantee there are some good deals happening right now that are too good to pass up!  Shoes that we wear during fall and winter are typically more expensive, so it's a great idea to snag them while they're on sale! 

There are so many great shoes available right now during the #NSale.  Normally, they typically have a pretty good selection, but not this good!  I am 100% a bootie girl.  I will wear booties whenever I can, more than any other shoe when it's colder outside.  I snagged these on the first day of the sale, and I am in love!  The color is so perfect, and they will literally go with everything!  I also love the cut out details on the booties here and here.  I'm a sucker for the little details.  They're on sale for $99.90 (reg. $159.95).  Totally worth it!

If you're not quite ready to buy fall shoes yet (even though, I recommend you do!), there are some great options that you could wear right now!  I ordered these peep toe sandals, and they just came in yesterday!  They run true to size and are surprisingly super comfortable!  Right now, they are sold out in this color, but they are available in a navy color.  They are on sale for $79.90 (reg.$119.95).  I still wanted to include them on my roundup because a lot of times Nordstrom will restock items throughout the sale, especially when Public Access starts this Friday, August 22nd!  So, if these are something that you've had your eye on, make sure to keep checking back!  If I notice that they're back in stock, I'll make sure to share it on Instagram ASAP! (Follow me @styleandsequins)

To shop the style board, click below and you will be taken directly to the product page!

There are so many great choices available right now!  I really would love to have these over the knee cognac boots, these cut out booties, and these!  They are all really great options for fall!  Go through your closet, figure out what you need the most, and shop away!  Remember, prices go back up August 7th!  So, think ahead, and get what you need!

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you end up purchasing!  

Happy shopping! :)


  1. These are all such great picks! Love those Tory Burch riding boots and all of the booties.
    xo Jessica

  2. These are wonderful picks! I'm dreading my trip to Nordstrom Saturday because I know there will be some damage...
    Great post!


  3. The Tory Burch Riding boots have a great look to them. I've got a pair of those cut outs, some great looks
